Quick Consult “QuickConsult” is now available in our centre. Quick Consult enables anyone who has a medical record in our Medical Centre and is an active patient, to request a repeat prescription of their medications or repeat referral to their specialist without seeing the doctor. Access to Quick consult is via HotDoc/Booking or the Appointment link on our website. Quick Consult is quick and convenient but does not attract any Medicare rebate and the patient pays for the service privately. Allied Health | - Podiatry
- Psychological treatment & Counselling
- Dietician
- Pathology
- Chemist
| Home Visit | We offer home visits. Our home visits are charged privately, not bulk billed. A private fee of three hundred and fifteen dollars ($315.00) is applicable for the first twenty minutes (or part of) of consultation and seventy five dollars ($75.00) for each additional fifteen minutes (or part of) thereafter. | Family Medicine | - GP Consultations
- Men's Health
- Women's Health
- Children's Health
- Immunisation, including childhood, influenza (flu) and travel vaccinations
- Medical Assessment
- Antenatal Care including Shared Care
- Chronic Disease Management
- Implanon insertion & removal
- Minor surgeries
- Skin check
- Papsmear
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